
2D Animation

In one of our scene,
The character monkey is imaginating something

We decide to use 2D Animation to present the things in its mind
2D and 3D animation will be combined together later during editing

Below is the process of 2D animation by photoshop

--- Fox ---

Rendering 時的小插曲

--- Fox ---


Ms Moon's Smile

For the facial expression when Ms Moon is smiling to the monkey,
We decide to use 2D image to combine instead of modeling a face for the moon

The decision of using 2D animatin is that we what to seprate the monkey's imagination from what really happen.

Looking forward to the final combination of both 2D and 3D animation ^_^

--- Fox ---


Texture for the Scene

Beside the Foreset scene,
We have another scene in the later part of the story.

The monkey jump into the well and argue with the frog inder the well.
As we aim to create a cartoon environment, we deicide to create a painting texture instead of using a real photo of bricks for the well

Characters - Rigging and Texture Done

Here are how the characters look like after texture is applied
They seem more lively now~ ^^

Can't wait to animate them!!!!!! =]


Animating 幕後花絮 - 真身VS替身

真身: 「細路, 你肯落返黎未!!!!!!!!! \ _ /」

真身: 「喂!!呢個位我架!!!」

替身: 「我係都唔落ar~~~~吹~~~丫~~~?!」
--- Fox ---


Texture - Monkey

經 paint texture 之後的猴子是不是帥多了? XDD
--- Fox ---

Camera Testing with 猴子"替身"

Texture 方面, EO還在努力的painting
為把握一分一秒, 弄了個猴子"替身"上陣
幫忙set camera & test lighting ^^

--- Fox ---


Texture of the characters

Frog's Texture - body

Frog's Texture - Head

Monkey's texture - head

Monkey's Texture - Body

Scene & Lighting

The scene model & lighting still need to be further modify later
--- Fox ---

Scene - "真正的" 3D Modeling

對, 你沒看錯! 這是紙造的Scene~

因為對電腦3D的立體概念還未掌握得很好, 所以只好先試做一個真正的3D"舞台"做參考,
順便可以試試 & 預想 camera angle 要怎麼擺放 =]

本來想用泥膠的, 不過與其花時間做這些, 還是趕快弄好去做MAYA吧

--- Fox ---


Bend Shape

Today's target is finsihing the Bend Shapes

色淫淫的 Monkey
 Here is the bend shapes of the monkey's head
 Here is the bend shapes of the frog's head
And we also decide that we need a bend shape for the frog's tongue... is it long? XDD

--- Fox ---


Charater Modeling - Monkey

Here is our main character - Monkey
The fur part on his face is not modeled
We decided to use texture instead

--- Fox ---


Character Modeling: Frog

After the weekend holidays,
We've started our work today!!

I start on the character frog first because I think it's less detail than the monkey
Here is the structure concept before I start on the modeling

And from 12pm to 7pm, I've finished 70% of it:

However, I have no idea with the eye lids... = ="

We decide to do it seperately from the head for this project for more easily to animate the facial expression

But the problem is that I was doing bend-shape for my last character's facial expression so maybe I'll ask for EO's advice tomorrow...

Too sleepy to continue the work,
so I decided to leave the lab early... ZZZ

--- Fox ---