
Storyboard Presentation

We did the storyboard presetation today
And Jul gave some advices for us to improve
The following was a Animatic of our original idea for the animation
And we do agree that the ending came too sudden
We should think for it again and make up a more funny ending

<-- The video i s proccessing --->

Beside, we need to come up with a more similar style for our characters too
As the following two characters are drawn seperately by us

Here is the monkey by EO

And here is the frog by me

Oh... We've actually did the walk cycle for the monkey
And the jump cycle for the frog too
But we just don't have the time to present so we post them here

Monkey (Walk: Front & Side)

Frog (Jump)

By the way, as we've found that most of our classmates write the blog in English, so we'll try our best to type the updatest procedule of our project in English too

We need too work hard from now on and start building the model first
And listen to Jul's advice, we need to decide our division of work too
Therefore, we have the followig conclusion after our discussion:

Characters Modeling:    Fox
Stage/Scene Modeling:  EO
Joint/Skeleton:      Fox & EO
Paint Weight & Texture:  EO
Lighting & Animation:   Fox
Sound & Video Editing:  Fox & EO

--- Fox ---

